Product Filter
Attracts Pollinators
Award Winning
Beds & Borders
Drought Resistant
Good For Cutting
Life Cycle
Light Requirements
Moisture Requirements
Plant Height
(+) show 73 more
Plant Width
(+) show 39 more
Suitable for Containers
Halifax Store
Saint John Store
Starting Method
Bloom Colour
(+) show 13 more


Spinach - Perpetual Leaf Beet (Seed)

p/n: SU178435

Perpetual Spinach Leaf Beet - Seed Packet

Nasturtium - Milkmaid (Seed)

p/n: SU124097

Milkmaid (Tropaeolum) - Seed Packet

Carrot - Volcano F1 (Seed)

p/n: SU100280

Carrot - Volcano F1 (Seed)

Poppy - Mother of Pearl (Seed)

p/n: SU128680

Poppy - Mother of Pearl

Cucumber - Emilie F1 (Seed)

p/n: SU100284

Cucumber - Emilie F1 (Seed)

Marigold - Burning Embers (Seed)

p/n: SU121025

Marigold - Burning Embers - Seed Packet

Basil - Round Midnight (Seed)

p/n: SU163559

Basil Round Midnight - Seed Packet

XL Jelly Beans - Poppy (Seed)

p/n: SU129018

Poppy - XL Jelly Beans

Broccoli - Kichi Wok Broc (Seed)

p/n: SU152217

Wok Broc Chinese Broccoli - Kichi - Seed Packet

Antirrhinum - Mango Twist (Seed)

p/n: SU101840

Antirrhinum - Mango Twist

Marigold - Fantasia (Seed)

p/n: SU142037

P & P - Marigold Fantasia (Tagetes patula) - Seed Packet

Not Available
Sanvitalia - Hanging Basket Sunflower (Seed)

p/n: SU133179

Sanvitalia - Hanging Basket Sunflower - Seed Packet

Hibiscus - Simply Love (Seed)

p/n: SU117389

Hibiscus - Simply Love - Seed Packet

Nasturtium - Troika Orange (Seed)

p/n: SU124096

Troika Orange (Tropaeolum majus) - Seed Packet

Winter Squash - Jumbo Pink Banana (Seed)

p/n: SU100298

Winter Squash - Jumbo Pink Banana (Seed)

Lemon Balm - Mandarina (Seed)

p/n: SU164383

Herb Lemon Balm 'Mandarina' - Seed Packet

Not Available
Sunflower - Cutflower Mix (Seed)

p/n: SU133178

Cutflower Mix (Helianthus) - Seed Packet

Melon - Emir F1 (Seed)

p/n: SU171548

Melon Musk Emir F1 (Cucumis melo) - Seed Packet

Not Available
Tithonia - Red Torch (Seed)

p/n: SU135703

Tithonia - Red Torch - Seed Packet

Calendula - Dandy

p/n: SU107138

Calendula 'Dandy' (Pot Marigold)

Nasturtium - Peach Melba (Seed)

p/n: SU123847

Peach Melba (Tropaeolum majus) - Seed Packet

Sunflower - Moonshine (Seed)

p/n: SU133185

Moonshine (Helianthus) - Seed Packet

Not Available
Summer Squash - Midnight F1 (Seed)

p/n: SU161360

Squash - Midnight F1 - Seed Packet

Cucamelon (Seed)

p/n: SU100322


Not Available
Onion - Paris Silverskin (Seed)

p/n: SU173608

Onion - Paris Silverskin
