Corn Gluten 9-0-0

Part Number:
Halifax Store:
Saint John Store:
Out of Stock
Available in Store Only

Corn gluten is a unique turf product that inhibits the growth of seed's tiny feeder roots by causing a break down in the cell wall. The seedlings struggle to get enough moisture, which causes them to die before they ever have a change to take hold. When used as directed, corn gluten acts as a pre-emergent natural herbicide that will not harm beneficial insects, soil organisms, pond or stream life. It is also safe around pets and children. Since corn gluten kills only the roots of sprouting seeds, it can be used around transplants and established vegetables, flowers, fruit, shrubs and lawns. Apply 10-20 lbs. per 1000 square feet in the Spring & Fall for pre-emergent protection.

It is important not to apply corn gluten meal to a lawn that is newly seeded or will be seeded soon after application.

This product can also be applied as a regular nitrogen fertilizer in the summer. Recommended for the control of curlydock, purslane, clover, dandelions, crabgrass and many other common weeds. Proper application provides up to 90% effective weed control in the first year for dandelions and crabgrass.

Safe for children, pets and wildlife immediately after application. Can be applied at any time without burning. Water thoroughly after application then allow to dry for 2-3 days.

20kg bag covers approx. 4000 sq.ft.