Gaia Green Bone Meal

Gaia Green Bone Meal is a premium, slow-release fertilizer, recommended for bulbs, vegetables, annuals, perennials, shrubs, and lawns. Gaia Green Bone Meal is primarily used as a source of phosphorous and calcium to improve nutrient conditions for root development, vigorous green growth, and profuse blooms.

Option Growing Media Fertilizer Halifax Store Saint John Store Additional Unit Purchase
BONE MEAL 2-16-0 20KG
Soil Amendment Garden Fertilizer, Organic Fertilizer, Houseplant Fertilizer Available Not Available Micronutrient
Available in Store Only
BONE MEAL 2-16-0 2KG
Available Available
In Stock
BONE MEAL 2-16-0 10KG
Soil Amendment Garden Fertilizer, Organic Fertilizer, Houseplant Fertilizer Not Available Not Available Micronutrient
Available in Store Only

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