How to Grow Onion Sets
Onion sets are dormant, immature onion bulbs that are already well on their way to growing into full-sized onions! They're an easy way to grow onions in your own garden if you don't have the time or space to start them from seed. They initially sprout larger stocks than onion seed which can reduce weed pressure and make weeding your beds easier. Onion sets can be planted directly in the garden in the spring without the need to start indoors.
Growing Conditions
Onions are a cool weather crop that grow well in the low temperatures of spring and early summer, bulbing up when the weather warms in mid to late summer. Choose a location that drains well and receives full sun. Obstructions in the soil can cause stunted or malformed bulb growth, so work the soil down to several inches deep and remove any debris before planting. Add organic matter and till into existing soil.
Plant your onion sets as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring. Space each small bulb between 4" and 6" apart, and bury them no deeper than 2" with the pointed, sprouting end up. Burying your sets too deep can have a negative effect on bulb formation.

Onions are heavy feeders and should be fertilized with a high nitrogen fertilizer on a biweekly basis until the bulb begins to form. They require at least an inch of water per week and may require supplemental watering during dry spells in the summer. Mulch can help retain moisture in the soil during hot periods. Keep your beds well weeded throughout the growing season to ensure your onions have enough room to grow. It's essential to stay on top of weeds in your onion bed, as their thin leaves do not easily shade out competitors.
Pests and Diseases
Cutworms - Small caterpillars that chew through stems. Look for damage to the stems at ground level.
Onion Maggots - Tiny white worms that burrow into and feed on onion bulbs, destroying the bulb and causing foliage to wilt and yellow
Fusarium Rot - A fungal infection that causes discoloured stems, rotten roots, and wilted plants.
Leaf Spot/Blight - Fungal infections that cause dark spots on foliage.
Crop rotation, garden cleaning, and proper spacing between plants are the best ways to prevent problems caused by pests and diseases. Diatomaceous earth can be used to control crawling pest species, while sticky traps will catch flying pests. Row covers and insect netting can also prevent travelling pests from landing on your crops and causing damage. Ensure good drainage in your chosen planting spot to prevent problems with fungus and rot. Contact us for more specialized pest control methods such as beneficial nematodes.
While onions can be slow growers, onion sets may reach maturity in between 80-120 days depending on variety. Wait for about 2/3rds of the green tops to have wilted before harvesting. It's best to harvest onions when the soil is dry. Gently brush the dirt from your onion bulbs but do not wash them. Cure your onions before storing by laying them flat or hanging them in a dry, well ventilated area out of sunlight. Allow airflow between each bulb and turn them regularly. Curing may take up to 3 or 4 weeks. Before storing, cut the foliage and place them in a bag or container with good airflow.